G. Neri*, R. Cucchiara**, L. Di Stefano*, M. Piccardi***, E. Viarani*
*DEIS - University of Bologna Viale Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna, Italy
**University of Modena - Italy
***University of Ferrara - Italy

    Bologna has many mobility (and mobility related) control systems which so far operate mostly independently but whose input and outputs may be deployed to implement a "city control center" acting as a Supervising Controller (SC from now on) for city mobility and providing citizens and operators with real time information. Based on this observation, the possible architecture of  Bologna's  SC has been analysed and devised at DEIS, and will be presented in this poster.
    The primary purpose of the system is to implement an optimal control policy for the traffic flow, which will be regulated by information displayed and/or sent to the drivers; in addition to the traffic flow parking information will be handled in real time.
    The system is built around the traffic lights control system and relies on several transmission media ranging from switched telephone lines to GSM second generation SMS  and includes VMS panels, dynamic route guidance systems, Internet based web sites and synthesised vocal answers. Among  the many inputs the system relies on, there are cartography and environment pollution information, road-works and vehicles accident dynamic data,  traffic congestion etc.
    The system is mainly concerned with traffic control but it is considered also a cornerstone for additional services. Given the possibility of detecting the position of the users (GPS for route guidance systems and cells for regular cellular phone users ) we intend to provide people with a wealth of general information related to nearest available services in the city, streets, restaurants, theatres, dispensing chemists etc. More generally the system will become a hub where all possible information will be copied in real time from the specific dedicated sources and which will be polled by phones and INTERNET. To this end synthesised voice answers will be implemented.
    Another important feature of the system is the decision support system for the operators. As it is well known, very often cities implement uncorrelated systems for different services which can provide useful information in many fields for operators who find themselves, however, literally overflowed by an unmanageable quantity of data. The implemented system, based on artificial intelligence technologies, aims at providing operators with a uniform and simple-to-use system based on graphic interaction where relevant decisions can be taken in real time and according to well defined policies.
    The fist steps towards system's development and implementation are now being taken, with the goal of producing a first operating prototype in year 2000, when Bologna will be European Capital of Culture.

See the poster PDF file

 Updated Jan, 7-2000