Enrico Viarani's Research Activity

The most part of my research activity as a Ph.D. student is about Machine Vision. The particular field of application of MV I investigate, is in order to solve vehicular-traffic problems such as lights timing, trafic surveillance, flow measurements, and related problems.

Some demos:
"Block matching algorithm", it's a way to extract the motion equations from a sequence of frames.
"Vehicle counter", a rough version of a "urban trafic vehicles counter".
"VIL", Virtual Inductive Loop detector.
"Perspective rectification"

Bitmap files sequence download taken at Porta Saragozza, Bologna - ITALY


E. Viarani. “UNA BREVE DOCUMENTAZIONE SULL'ESPERIMENTODI HAYNES E SHOTKLEY SUI SEMICONDUTTORI, CON APPROFONDIMENTO SULLA ELETTRONICA UTILIZZATA PER LA SUA REALIZZAZIONE” (in italian) Microelectronics universitary course thesis, Physics Dept. "Augusto Righi" via Irnerio, 36 - Bologna 28th Apr 1993
E. Viarani. Il trigger programmabile del sistema tracciante di LVD (in italian) Phisics degree thesis, Physics Dept. "Augusto Righi" via Irnerio, 36 - Bologna 17th March 1995 (Large Volume Detection)
E. Viarani. Elaborazione di sequenze di immagini per monitoraggio del traffico e videosorveglianza(in italian), PhD Electronics Engineed thesis, DEIS Dept. via Risorgimento, 2 - Bologna, 1st March 2001


E. Viarani. Panoramica sulle tecniche di controllo del traffico urbano utilizzanti la visione artificiale, (italian version) internal report, #CSITE-004-98, of CNR-CSITE (National Council for Research - Center of Study for the Informatics and Telecommunications) Institute  of Bologna University, May 4, 1998.

L. Di Stefano, E. Viarani. Vehicle Detection in Traffic Images, Proc. of "ICEIS'99, 1st Int'l Conference on Enterprise Information Systems" Setùbal, Portugal, Vol. I, pp. 308-313, March 27-30, 1999.

G. Neri, R. Cucchiara, L. Di Stefano, M. Piccardi, E. Viarani A Supervising Controller for City Mobility-related Systems presented as poster at "ITS in Europe '99", Amsterdam, June 14-17, 1999.

L. Di Stefano, E. Viarani. Vehicle Detection and Tracking Using the Block Matching Algorithm, Proc. of "3rd IMACS/IEEE Int'l Multiconference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computer" Athens, Greece, Vol. 1, pp. 4491-4496, July 4-8, 1999, available only on cd-rom. The same paper is also on "Recent Advances in Signal Processing and Communications" N. Mastorakis Editor, World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, ISBN 960-8052-03-3, 1999.

E. Viarani. Extraction of traffic information from images at DEIS, Proc. of "10th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing" Venice, Italy, pp. 1073-1077, September 27-29, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-0040-4, 1999.

L. Di Stefano, I. Milani, E. Viarani. Evaluation of Inductive-Loop Emulation Algorithms for UTC Systems, Proc. Sixth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision, ICARCV 2000, December 5-8, Singapore, ISBN 981-04-3445-6, 2000

L. Di Stefano, G. Neri, E. Viarani. Analysis of Pixel Level Algorithms for Video-Surveillance Applications, Proc. of 11th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, September 26-28, 2001 Palermo, Italy ICIAP 2001, pp 541-546, ISBN 0-7695-1183-X/01

L. Di Stefano, M. Mola, G. Neri, E. Viarani. A Rule-Based Tracking System for Video Surveillance Applications, proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES'2002, 16, 17 & 18 September 2002 Podere d'Ombriano, Crema, Italy

A. Aghinolfi, L. Costa, M. Ferri, E. Viarani. A covering projection for robot navigation under strong anisotropy, International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications, Vol. 20, No. 5 (2010) 511-525, World Scientfic Publishing Company, DOI: 10.1142/S0218195910003414, www.worldscientific.com

Last update: Feb 28, 2003.

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